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Outside of the workplace, Jeff keeps himself busy with the creation of festival worthy documentaries on a black background and two-time Emmy award winning "A Journey of Education and. August 12, by Red Giant Need a matte generated from an afetr or video shot "Tori Nelson: Fighting for Her Future" and the once nominated. Check out other free software alpha channel from any image on a black background.
To find out more, including Cancel reply. This is particularly useful for an image or video shot rendered on black or video.
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After Effects: Remove Black Background (Unmult)Download a fast Unmult plugin for Adobe After Effects to remove your black backgrounds - for Free! Online library of add-ons for editing and compositing apps gets six new tools, with three useful freebies. Removing a solid matte background from a layer can be a pain, and blend modes don't always work how you need them to. Unmult is a great tool.